Barry McCall Photographer_Photography_Saoirse Ronan

Photography Course – 2 Places Left!

We'll be holding our only summer photography course of the year on Saturday June 21st and just 2 places remain free. This will be an introductory level photography course in studio. We'll be looking at a little theory on how to best manage files and get the most from the various settings on your

Barry McCall Photographer_Photography_Beauty

Next 1 Day Photography Courses 2014

Thank you for all the requests flooding in after spotting ads for our next photography courses for 2014. We have no dates confirmed as of yet but if you are interested please email us and confirm the level you would be looking for - introductory level or intermediate level - and

Photography Course Dublin_File Management 2

File Management

So how much do you know about best file management? Barry and Paul are now taking our intro class through RAW, PSDs, JPEGs and TIFFS and how we manage them here at the studios primarily through Photoshop and Bridge.

Barry McCall Photographer_Photography_Beauty

February Photography Courses

Wondering what kind of things we'll be looking at on our intro level photography workshop on Saturday February 8th? It could look a little something like this: * What is everyone's experience with photography and what does everyone want to get from the day? * File format discussion: RAW, PSD, JPEG, TIFF -->


Happy New Year!

Wishing all our followers a Happy New Year. We hope you had a lovely break with plenty of rest and relaxation, and are feeling refreshed as a New Year starts. We are back in studio as normal and looking forward to the year ahead. 2013 was an exciting year for us with