Photography Courses April 2016

It's that time of year again where we are delighted to announce that we now have dates confirmed for our next round of photography courses at Bond Street Studios in Dublin. Our intro level course will take place Saturday April 16th, while our intermediate level course will take place the following

Photography Courses with Barry McCall

Photography Course Gift Vouchers

Gift Vouchers now available for our photography courses starting in Spring 2016. We'll be giving you more details over the coming weeks, so keep your eyes peeled. If you'd like to be ahead of the crowd and know dates before everyone else, join our priority mailing list by emailing Roisin on

Photography Courses Fast Approaching

So with only a few weeks to go until our photography courses here at Bond Street Studios we do still have a couple of spots left on the intermediate level course on Saturday February 28th. Contact Roisin at the studios for full details on the intermediate course if you'd like to nab

Barry McCall Photographer_Photography_Saoirse Ronan

Photography Course – 2 Places Left!

We'll be holding our only summer photography course of the year on Saturday June 21st and just 2 places remain free. This will be an introductory level photography course in studio. We'll be looking at a little theory on how to best manage files and get the most from the various settings on your